PA 39 Profiles
They belong to the most popular of the aluminum profiles. The success of this group is due to the fact that they are used on thousands of houses from the whole Europe. The use of profiles PA 39 for external rolls for windows is possible due to the not so big width and thin shape. Due to this fact, the profile PA 39 can be excellently rolled and it successfully fits in the small boxes.
PA 45 Profiles
They are aimed at being used for external rolls for doors and windows not too big. These profiles are taller and thicker than the above-mentioned ones, that’s why they are more stable. Meanwhile the small diameter of rolled elements makes possible the use of this profile in boxes which are not too big.
PA 52 Profiles
They are destined to be used for external rolls of big sizes, doors or windows. The solid construction guarantees high rigidity of profiles, by maintaining the external pleasant aspect, proportional with the rest. Especially one must mention the fact that the profile PA 52, due to extraordinary parameters of rolling the profiles from this class, makes possible their use in the small boxes.